Dormer lodge


Dormer Lodge 6708

Lodge Masonic events

Whether a new candidate or progressing a newly joined brother in the lodge, we have a variety of masonic events throughout the year.

Lodge Social events

Something for everyone, family events, guided tours, shooting, ladies’ evenings and much more.

Where are we?

Meet some of our lodge Officers

Our Lodge is guided by a dedicated team of officers, each bringing their own unique strengths and experiences to the forefront of our fraternity. These individuals are not just leaders but are also active participants in the Masonic journey, embodying the principles and values we hold dear. From the Worshipful Master, who steers our lodge with wisdom and integrity, to the Secretary, Treasurer, and other key roles, every officer plays a vital part in the functioning and progression of our lodge. Get to know the people who lead with commitment and passion, ensuring that every aspect of lodge life is enriching and meaningful for all our members.

Rob Ellis

Worshipful Master: The Worshipful Master presides over lodge meetings, upholds Masonic laws and principles, and is responsible for the welfare and smooth functioning of the lodge.

Martin Alcock

Senior Warden: The Senior Warden assists the Worshipful Master in governing the lodge, oversees lodge activities in their absence, and primarily ensures the well-being and harmony among the brethren.

Richie Wood

Junior Warden: The Junior Warden is responsible for the lodge's harmony, oversees the brethren during lodge activities, and typically assumes charge of the lodge during social and festive events.

Malcolm Cousins

Lodge Secretary: The Lodge Secretary manages all administrative duties, including correspondence, meeting minutes, membership records, and communication with the Grand Lodge and other Masonic bodies.