Dormer lodge


Dormer Lodge 6708

Every Brother welcome!

Welcome to Our Masonic Lodge

A Beacon of Freemasonry in the Heart of Cheshire

We are a proud and distinguished Lodge of Freemasons, thriving in the vibrant Province of Cheshire under the esteemed constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England. Our journey began on the 3rd of September, 1948, and since then, we have been a cornerstone in the local Masonic community, upholding the rich traditions and values of Freemasonry.

Regular Meetings: A Time for Fraternity and Growth Our lodge gathers on the 2nd Friday of each month from October to March, each meeting an opportunity to deepen our understanding, strengthen our bonds, and contribute to our community. These gatherings take place at the historical Masonic Temple in Birkenhead, a place that resonates with the spirit and camaraderie of our brotherhood.

Annual Installation: A Celebration of Leadership and Vision October marks a special time in our calendar, where we conduct our installation ceremony. It’s a significant event that not only honours our new leadership but also sets the tone for our Masonic year. It’s a time of reflection, celebration, and looking forward to new horizons.

Welcoming Visiting Masons: A Brotherhood Beyond Borders In the spirit of Masonic unity and friendship, we warmly welcome visiting Masons to join our meetings. Your presence enriches our gatherings and strengthens the bonds of our fraternity. For visitation enquiries, please reach out to our secretary, who will be delighted to assist you.

Become a Part of Our Story Are you interested in joining our Lodge or learning more about Freemasonry? We welcome enquiries from those who seek to enrich their lives through the principles and fellowship of Freemasonry. Contact us to start your journey or to learn more about our activities and community involvement.

Our Legacy and Commitment Since our consecration in 1948, we have been committed to the ideals of Freemasonry, fostering personal growth, moral improvement, and community service. We continue to build on this legacy, welcoming new generations into our fold and making a positive impact in the world around us.

Contact Us For more information, to schedule a visit, or to speak with one of our members, please contact us here. We look forward to hearing from you and potentially welcoming you to our next lodge meeting.


Meet our lodge mentor


Derek Blackburn became a freemason in 2003. Whilst serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps.

His Mother Lodge is AJEX ( association of Jewish ex servicemen) 8407, which met at Freemasons Hall G.t Queen Street London.

On completing his 22 years military service he moved to the Wirral in the Province of Cheshire.

After a chance meeting in a furniture shop, he joined Cheshire Cornerstone 4369.

He addressed the Haggis at their Burns night in January 2006, after a Brother said, “Now smart arse do it in Hebrew” Bro. Derek did deliver a Brocha, or blessing in Hebrew. This has now become a tradition whenever he is called upon to address the Haggis.

He resigned from 4369 but, remained a permanent visitor. His Mother Lodge AJEX 8704, surrendered their warrant in 2013. So, Derek became a Cheshire Mason.



He joined both Wallasey 3036 and Dormer 6708. Progressing up through the offices.He spent two years in the chair of K.S.T in Dormer 6708, then straight into the Chair of Wallasey 3036. He is now lodge Mentor and Membership officer in both craft lodges.He is a permanent visitor to Bebington Lodge and Noctorum Lodge.
W. Bro “Deeks” is passionate about his Masonry and orders beyond the Craft.
He considers his position as Mentor a privilege, as he guides candidates through the three degrees of craft masonry on their next steps.

In 2021 W. Bro “Deeks” received preferment to P. Prov G.A.D.C.
He regularly organises “meet n greet” sessions at Gallagher’s or the Glen Affric Brewery. These sessions allow freemasons and candidates to chill, relax, chat.
He is also the Wirral contact for the British Military Freemasons.
Should you have any questions, his email is:

Extraordinary Experiences: The Heart of Our Ceremonies

In the heart of our lodge, amidst the rich traditions of Freemasonry, lie our ceremonies – each a unique blend of ancient rituals and timeless principles. These ceremonies are not just formalities; they are profound experiences that resonate deeply with every member who participates.

Foundational Principles for a Meaningful Life At the core of our ceremonies are three enduring principles that guide us not only in our Masonic journey but in our daily live

Compassion and Charity: We are taught to look after those less fortunate, extending a helping hand and a kind heart to those in need. This principle embodies our commitment to philanthropy, community service, and the betterment of society

Personal Improvement: Our ceremonies emphasize the importance of continual self-improvement. We encourage each brother to strive towards becoming the best version of themselves – intellectually, morally, and spiritually. This pursuit of excellence is a lifelong endeavor, enriching both the individual and the fraternity.

Living a Life of Integrity: To live life well is to be remembered for the right reasons. Our teachings inspire members to lead lives of honesty, respect, and integrity. We uphold the values of honor and responsibility, ensuring that our legacy is one of positive impact and exemplary conduct.

A Journey of Enlightenment and Brotherhood Each ceremony is a journey – an extraordinary experience that enlightens the mind and strengthens the bonds of brotherhood. Whether you are a new initiate or a long-standing member, these ceremonies serve as milestones in your Masonic and personal growth.

Invitation to Witness and Participate We welcome members to participate in our ceremonies, to experience firsthand the profound impact of these age-old rituals and teachings. As you progress through the degrees, you will discover a wealth of wisdom and a deeper connection with your brethren.

Experience the Extraordinary Join us in our quest for knowledge, self-improvement, and making a meaningful difference. Our ceremonies are more than just events; they are transformative experiences that shape our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

Our Core Values: The Pillars of Freemasonry

At the very heart of our fraternity lies a set of core values that guide us not only in our Masonic duties but also in our everyday lives. Freemasonry is more than an organization; it is a way of living, deeply rooted in principles that have stood the test of time.

Morality, Charity, and Obedience: The Foundations of Our Conduct

  • Morality: We are steadfast in upholding high moral standards. Our conduct is governed by a strong ethical compass, guiding us to live with integrity and honor.
  • Charity: Generosity and compassion are central to our beliefs. We are committed to helping those in need, whether through direct assistance or community service.
  • Obedience to the Law of the Land: We adhere to the laws of the countries we reside in, respecting the principles of good citizenship and social responsibility.

Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth: The Principal Tenets

  • Brotherly Love: We foster a spirit of brotherhood and understanding, supporting and respecting each other as equals.
  • Relief: Our commitment to relief reflects our dedication to alleviating suffering and providing aid to those in distress.
  • Truth: We seek and uphold the truth, striving for honesty and transparency in all our dealings.

Faith, Hope, and Charity: The Virtues We Cherish Derived from our principal tenets, these virtues form the bedrock of our Masonic journey:

  • Faith: In ourselves, in our brethren, and in the greater good we serve.
  • Hope: For a better world, fostered through our actions and ideals.
  • Charity: In its broadest sense, encompassing love for one another and a commitment to help wherever needed.

Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty: The Supporting Pillars These three great pillars are symbolic of the qualities we strive to embody:

  • Wisdom: To lead and teach, making informed and compassionate decisions.
  • Strength: Both moral and physical, to support our brethren and our communities.
  • Beauty: In our conduct and character, reflecting the harmony and order of the universe.

Living Our Values These core values are not merely words; they are the essence of who we are as Freemasons. They inspire us to be better men, to contribute positively to society, and to support each other in our personal and collective journeys.

We invite you to explore these values and discover how they shape the unique and enriching experience of being a Freemason.

Dormer Video library

Watch a collection of our lodge videos. From blessing the haggis to nights out in the lodge, no night is the same!