Dormer lodge

Freemasonry in General


What is Freemasonry?



Our Mission Statement: Who We Are, What We Aim For, How We Achieve It

Who We Are: Our Purpose

Welcome to a fraternity that transcends time and tradition. For over 300 years, we have stood as a unique members’ organisation, unbound by political or religious affiliations. Our diversity is our strength, bringing together individuals of all ages, races, religions, cultures, and backgrounds.

In Lodges across the country, we engage in ceremonial traditions that foster tolerance, respect, and civic duty. But it’s not all solemnity; we also cherish moments of camaraderie, dining together, and forming bonds that last a lifetime. We are more than just a group; we are a community, building friendships and experiences that enrich our lives.

What We Aim For: Our Vision

Our vision is to be a beacon for people from all walks of life, guiding them towards becoming more thoughtful, confident individuals. We are committed to instilling and upholding our core values – Integrity, Friendship, Respect, Charity – not only within our walls but in the wider world. Our goal is to be recognized as a force for good, positively impacting our communities and society, making Freemasonry a coveted journey for many.

How We Will Achieve This: Our Mission

In the coming seven years, we are dedicated to enhancing our stature as a thriving, inclusive organisation. Our mission is to broaden our reach, welcoming members from various age groups and walks of life. Through our actions, teachings, and community involvement, we aim to solidify our reputation as an organisation that not only people aspire to join but are proud to be part of.

Join Us in Our Mission Discover a world of tradition, friendship, and personal growth. Be a part of a journey that shapes not just individuals, but communities. Welcome to our Lodge – where history, humanity, and harmony meet.



In the heart of Freemasonry lies a commitment to unite over 200,000 members from diverse communities across the UK. Our strength is our ability to bring people together, transcending differences in race, religion, and all other societal divides. We cherish the diversity of our membership as it enriches our fraternity, fostering a culture of mutual respect and understanding. In our lodges, every member is valued, every voice heard, and every difference celebrated.


Integrity is the cornerstone of our actions and interactions. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of honesty and ethical conduct. In our lodge and beyond, we strive to be individuals who are trustworthy, reliable, and honorable. Our commitment to integrity ensures that we not only uphold the proud traditions of Freemasonry but also set a positive example in our communities.


Charity is fundamental to our beliefs and actions. We are committed to benevolence, giving not just in terms of financial aid but also through our time, effort, and care. Our charitable endeavors extend beyond our lodge, impacting the broader community and demonstrating our dedication to aiding those in need. Through charity, we embody the spirit of giving and compassion that is central to Freemasonry.


At the core of Freemasonry is the enduring bond of friendship. It's more than camaraderie; it's a deep-rooted connection that supports and strengthens us. Our gatherings are opportunities to forge lifelong friendships, offering support, understanding, and companionship. We believe that through these bonds, we can achieve greater understanding and harmony both within our fraternity and in the wider world.


Unity is the essence of Freemasonry. We come together as one, despite our diverse backgrounds, to work towards common goals. This unity strengthens our fraternity, enabling us to accomplish more together than we ever could individually. In unity, we find strength, purpose, and the ability to make a significant impact on the world around us.